So this post is going to be short, time is… well? I am still trying to figure it out. Life, family, work, passion, rest, experiences, hobby, they all take time and I feel like I only get moments for each these days. It seems just as my mind gets into the place where I am at that moment I have to shift gears and change directions, back and forth, never really ever getting to finish a thought. I normally would have completely focused on where I was and what I was doing, fully immersing myself into whatever it was that I was doing, often losing track of time and even forgetting to eat. I just can’t get to that place right now, there are other priorities in my life that need my attention. I am going to figure this out, but right now I am still trying to find a cadence, my rhythm. Would I change this? No, I don’t think so. It’s the challenge that keeps me climbing towards a goal. I am learning so much and experiencing new things… wait, that’s on my list of things I want to be doing. It just looks so different that I expected it to, I almost didn’t recognize it. I am writing this with one hand and holding my squirming son Hawkins in the other. Another new exp… -sorry, spit-up break- ...experience, family, passion, love… it really looks different but I’m starting to see it clearer, even as I write now. I will figure this out, how use these these moments, how to work with just moments. Well this moment just came to a soft crash landing. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
A quick selfie of me and Hawk as I write this post. Please don't mind the quality of this photo, I took it with my phone as I was writing this post, the the image quality is horrible, but the time with my son and the memory this photo represents is awesome.
OK, he’s asleep so I have another brief moment. What does all this have to do with photography? Well, nothing. It has to do with who I am, I and how I see the world. As a photographer who I am shows thru in my vision and my photos. I want to share who I am so you can understand how I see and share my vision. I like a challenge and I will find a way to make it happen, I’m up for that. I appreciate new experiences, value passion and want all of this to be seen thru my work and vision.