Wow, do you know just how refreshing that statement is? Its done, next step, move on, all I have to do is let it go and start new, man that’s for me. OK, the past is gone, now, it's time to do something about this dream I have of being a photographer. I am not going to waste the present! I am now on a path that will lead me to where I want to go. It's time to act, it's time to push myself and see what I’m really made of. It's time to hustle and do the real work behind the scenes, the work that really matters. This is my story and it's time I started writing it, telling it and sharing it. No longer will I let it be written for me, without my input or ideas. Last year I started laying some ground work and dipping my toes in the the water, it felt great. A good friend of mine, Ehren, not only encouraged me to follow my passion and creativity, but he also stepped up and volunteered to be the subject of some really cool photos. We went into New York City looking for dinner and whatever else we could find. The photos in this post are from that trip, and man did we had a blast that night.
Roaming around NY with Ehren looking for the interesting, the different, the adventure.
What steps am I taking to do this? Today I wrote this blog post. Yesterday, I posted a quick cell phone photo on Instagram to let people know I’m still here, tomorrow I will take a task on my list and tackle it! Over the next two to three months I plan to do some personal work shooting portraits for my portfolio. I have a vision in my head that I just have to bring to life and set free into the world. The excitement builds as I look forward to working with some good people to make some cool photographs and have a wild time making them.
As I continue on this path of excitement, struggle and achievement, I will write about my experiences. Both my triumphs and my failures. What I learn from both and how I feel along the way. People I meet, places I go, the cool, the crazy, the wild… I'm looking to get out and do this. Now, who wants to be apart of my story?
The Empire State Building surrounded by all the crazy, the excitement and cool.
In the coming months I will be looking for friends, family, acquaintances and anyone who is interested in being a part of this story.